
Thursday 15 January 2015

Happy Birthday

Today has been a joyful day.
It has been my birthday all day and it is almost midnight so I thought I would pop a happy birthday post in here. People from all over the world sent me birthday greetings and wishes and I have a huge smile on my face.  A little family came to visit me and brought balloons for my birthday. I do love balloons.
and my oldest son and his lovely wife gave me sunflowers. My daughter attempted to make a very elaborate cake without consulting me and downloaded a recipe from the internet which was not quite translatable but she did manage to produce a magnificent rafaello cake with butter cream, cream cheese filling and a topping of white chocolate ganache after a lot of tears and crashings about and a mountain of dishes. IT WAS DELICIOUS and simply looking at it I can feel the weight attaching itself to my body.
my youngest son hid Pfeffernuisse in spots around the house - whole packets that is- for me to find in a kind of treasure hunt because he knows I like them. I did not expect ten packets though.

and on my social media sites I had dozens of greetings and well wishes from all around the world. What a marvelous day. I feel very cared about. I now have three meal invitations so I will continue to celebrate for the next three days and I am going to see a play on Friday night. West Side Story performed by the Holiday Actors, a troupe of teenagers and young adults from Warrnambool. How extraordinarily loved I feel right now. I am so very grateful for all the wonderful people in my life, especially my children. Thank you all for making my day so wonderful.


  1. Hi Cecilia .. yes I had one on Tuesday - so glad you had a happy day ... with lots of thoughts etc

    Cheers .. got a lot going on this end of the world .. have a wonderful year - Hilary

    1. Dear Hilary, we January babies are awesome. :) Hope your year ahead is amazing too.


Thank you for taking the time to read my chatter and look at my pictures. I hope you found something to brighten your day. <3