
Tuesday 12 November 2013

the twefth of November and I am late to the keys

I woke with the alarm and ignored it as I did the next and the next and finally dragged my groggy self out of bed nad into the shower. I should not have stayed up last night to knock out that extra fifteen hundred words so I didn't blog and I didn't sit happily in the early morning sunlight and I didn't sketch at all until much later in the day. Still it was an interesting day. I gave a talk to a year 7 class about being a writer. The boys all wanted to know about how much money a writer makes and the girls lit up only when we talked about that directionally challenged group of boys. The teacher seemed to think it was a good talk. I covered such aspects as collaborating on covers and time frames, rejections and of course JK Rowling and Harry Potter.
I talked about observing . recording . remembering . and reading copious amounts. The boys were quite engnged once we talked about games and I told them I had been asked to write the storyline for a game. reading out loud to them was a bit daunting, there was no feedback at all. I feel it would have been much easier to link my device to the smart board and scrolled through my blog with bright colours and pretty pictures. Next time.

My PiBoIdMo and Skadamo are here: Odd things and the interesting ability of some people to have an encyclopedic knowledge on a particular subject.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my chatter and look at my pictures. I hope you found something to brighten your day. <3